Rabu, 28 Maret 2018


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Treating Random Tones or Missing


Jakarta, The hoarse or missing tone of course also will disrupt busy especially if you are a broadcaster or singer who works entrust the tone. How to treat hoarseness and loss? The larynx is the tone box, is the side of the respiratory tract that contains the tape. The outer wall of the cartilaginous larynx is often referred to as 'Adams apple', the two muscle bands that make the letter 'V' in the larynx. When singing or talking, the tape vibrates and produces a tone. A hoarse tone can be caused by some aspects. The most common are irritation and injury to acute tape or laryngitis (inflammation of the tape), which is due to upper respiratory tract infections (usually viral) and often overuse or tone abuse, such as from shouts or high sound tracks. As written from MedicineNet, Tuesday (05/25/2010), that is partly the cause of different rasping tones:


Benign nodules of the vocal cords

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) ie marks or damage to the mucosa produced by abnormal acid reflux in the esophagus


Smoking or inhalation irritant


Trauma of the larynx or vocal cords

Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease and stroke

Cancer of the larynx


As well as the right steps to overcome them are as follows: 1. Irritating soundWhen hoarse, do not use the tone for a moment. Do not talk more whisper, because whispering can be more tense than normal talk tape. 2. Drink warm Many hot drinks will also soothe your throat. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses / day will also help make your throat stay wet. But do not drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages, because this will also be so severe your tone. 3. Eat foods that are easily swallowed Porridge or soft foods that are easily swallowed for a moment when it can help handle a hoarse tone. 4. Stay away from allergic causes Avoid dry environments and barasap or some places that can cause your allergies, because it can make the throat dry and become severe hoarseness tone. 5. An antibiotic drug Acute laryngitis caused by upper respiratory tract infection, will generally also make its own repair so infection clean the body. Conservative cures that cough (no alcohol), antibiotics or pain killers can be helpful. 6. Stop smoking If your tone is so hoarse because of so much smoking, so stop the ugly routine, because not only make a hoarse tone, but also the cause of various types of degenerative diseases. 7. Breathe vapor Inhale moisture from hot water can reduce inflammation and thin the mucus, and lighten the hoarseness. 8. Do not use mouthwash Avoid the use of mouthwash that has an alcohol content, because alcohol can be severe irritation. 9. Surgery In some cases, surgery may be needed to treat benign nodules or polyps, laryngeal trauma or tape, and laryngeal cancer. (mer / ir)

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Heal the Harsh or Missing Voice Jakarta, The hoarse or missing voice will certainly interfere with the activity especially if you are an announcer or singer working on voice. How to heal hoarseness and loss? The larynx, also called the voice box, is part of the respiratory tract that contains the vocal cords. The outer wall of the cartilaginous larynx is often referred to as 'Adams apple', the two muscle bands that make up the 'V' letters inside the larynx. When singing or speaking, the vocal cords vibrate and produce sound. Hoarseness may be caused by several factors. The most common are irritation and injury to the vocal cords or acute laryngitis (inflammation of the vocal cords), caused by upper respiratory tract infections (usually viral) and more often due to excessive use or misuse of sound, such as from shouting or high-pitched songs. from MedicineNet, here are some other causes of hoarseness: benign nodules of the Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) gastric ribs are symptoms or mucosal damage produced by abnormal acid reflux in the esophagus Allergy Smoking or inhaling irritant Tonsils Traumatic larynx or vocal cords Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease and stroke Laryngeal cancer And a surefire way to overcome them are as follows: 1. Sound saving When it's hoarse, do not use sounds for a while. Do not talk let alone whisper, because whispering can be more stressful vocal cords than normal talk.2. Drink warm drinks Many hot drinks will soothe your throat. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses per day will help keep your throat wet. But do not drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages, because this will aggravate your voice.3. Eating foods that are easy to swallow Pits or soft foods that are easily swallowed temporarily can help overcome a hoarse voice.4. Avoid allergic triggers Avoid dry and barbecu environments or places that can trigger your allergies, as they can make the throat dry and aggravate hoarseness.5. An antibiotic drug Acute laryngitis caused by an upper respiratory tract infection, will usually repair itself as an infection cleanses the body. Conservative treatment that suppresses cough (no alcohol), antibiotics or pain relievers may also be helpful.6. Stop smoking If your hoarseness is caused by smoking too much, then stop the bad habit, because it not only makes hoarseness, it is also the trigger of various degenerative diseases. Breathing steam. Inhaling moisture from hot water can reduce inflammation and thin the mucus, as well as relieve hoarseness.8. Do not use mouthwash Avoid using mouthwash containing alcohol, because alcohol can exacerbate irritation. Surgery In some cases, surgery may be needed to treat benign nodules or polyps, laryngeal trauma or vocal cords, as well as laryngeal cancer.

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Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Für den maximalen Nutzen, wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt, Zitronenwasser zu trinken?

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Für den maximalen Nutzen, wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt, Zitronenwasser zu trinken?


Jakarta, Damit die Vorteile maximal sind, sollte der Konsum von Zitronensaft zur richtigen Zeit erfolgen. Auf diese Weise würde die Aufnahme von Nährstoffen durch den Körper mehr Hebelwirkung haben. So wurde es von Ernährungswissenschaftler Jean Carper in seinem Buch "The Food Pharmacy" vermittelt. Laut ihm kann der Verzehr von Zitronensaft Vorteile wie die Aufrechterhaltung der Hydratation des Körpers bieten. Darüber hinaus kann Zitronenwasser auch dazu beitragen, den Vitamin-C-Gehalt im Körper zu erhöhen. Die Menge hängt davon ab, wie viel Zitrone dem Trinkwasser zugesetzt wird. Neben Zitrone enthält Vitamin C auch Kalzium, Eisen und Kalium. Weil es keinen Zucker in Zitronenwasser gibt, kann dieses Getränk ein Ersatz für Verpackungssaft sein, wenn Sie es konsumieren möchten, sagte Carper, wie von Prevention zitiert. Wann sollte Zitronensaft konsumiert werden? Lesen Sie auch: Natürliche Zucker Zutaten in Obst können auch Diabetes auslösen und Fett machen? Carper sagte, diese Einnahme sollte am Morgen, wenn Sie aufwachen, als der Prozess der Rehydration genommen werden. Nach 8 Stunden Schlaf ohne Flüssigkeitszufuhr kann das Rehydrieren mit Zitronensaft gut sein, da es hilft, die über Nacht verlorenen Körperflüssigkeiten im Körper wiederherzustellen. Sie können es auch essen, wenn es sich hungrig anfühlt. Weil Hunger nicht notwendigerweise bedeutet, dass du hungrig bist und auch ein Zeichen dafür sein kannst, dass du tatsächlich durstig und dehydriert bist. Versuchen Sie zuerst ein Glas Zitronenwasser zu trinken. Wenn du immer noch hungrig bist, dann konsumiere Essen. Umgekehrt, wenn Sie tatsächlich Durst hatten, dann wird das Gefühl von "Hunger" verloren gehen. Wenn Sie mit dem Teil der rechten und nicht übermäßig essen wollen, dann können Sie auch den Genuss von Zitronenwasser nutzen. Wasser kann ein guter Weg sein, um sich satt zu fühlen, damit Sie nicht durch übermäßiges Essen versucht werden, sagt Carper. Eine weitere gute Zeit, um Zitronensaft zu trinken, ist nach dem Sport. Genau wie beim Aufwachen, nach dem Training ist eine der richtigen Zeit für den Prozess der Rehydratation. Nun, es ist eine gute Rehydratation mit Zitronensaft. Lesen Sie auch: Obst und andere Nahrungsmittel erkennen, die "giftig" sein können (ajg / up)





Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

Non una dieta rigorosa! I segreti del corpo si adattano e dimagriscono Jennifer Lawrence

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Non una dieta rigorosa! I segreti del corpo si adattano e dimagriscono Jennifer Lawrence


Jakarta, In diverse occasioni, le star del cinema 'The Hunger Games' Jennifer Lawrence una volta hanno confessato di essere stato più pigro a fare dieta estrema o esercizio fisico solo per dimagrire. Tuttavia, il suo corpo sembra sempre in forma. Secondo il suo personal trainer, Dalton Wong, anche se non segue una dieta rigida, Jennifer continua a seguire la sua dieta per non esagerare. Anche Jennifer esercita sempre, sebbene non sia lunga e non troppo pesante. Nel nuovo libro di Wong, "The FeelGood Plan", Jennifer scrive come Wong abbia cambiato idea per essere in grado di vivere in modo sano senza una dieta estrema. Capisce che per essere snello e in forma, il suo segreto è uno stile di vita sano e gestire il cibo come meglio può. Non posso mai forzare una dieta severa, ma Wong mi ha insegnato come mangiare e rimanere attivo. Siamo buoni amici, mi piace passare il tempo in palestra, quindi occasionalmente uscire a mangiare hamburger e patatine ", ha detto Jennifer, citata da Body and Soul Leggi anche: Adele Down Weight 14 e Got Tipical Guards, This Diet Trick Jennifer è anche sottolineando sempre l'importanza di mantenere l'umore felice e in equilibrio psichico, in questo modo vivrai più facilmente uno stile di vita sano e non ti sentirai forzato. Ricorda sempre a Jennifer la scelta della porzione giusta del pasto, specialmente per il menu di grassi, proteine ​​e carboidrati Per quanto riguarda gli snack, Jennifer di solito sceglie hummus, verdure e pane più avocado. Mentre per l'esercizio fisico, Jennifer non è un tipo di celebrità a cui piace esercitare regolarmente e con intensità intensa, preferisce esercitare in qualsiasi momento e ovunque. Anche tra una pausa e l'altra Jennifer di solito esegue esercizi fulminei come squat e affondi, almeno per almeno 15 minuti, ha detto Wong.Wong e Jennifer credono che con 15 minuti si possa ancora allenare il corpo per continuare a muoversi e sentirsi meglio. Invece di spingere te stesso per fare un programma regolare di sport, ma eseguirlo con forzato, non felice e spesso saltare per pigro o annoiato. Leggi anche: 5 Diet Most Celebrity 'Nyeleneh' Per tutto l'anno 2015 (ajg / vit)



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